Few trademark and copyright litigators are as successful and well-known as Richard Lehv. For more than 40 years, he has handled cases involving trademark, copyright, trade dress infringement, and comparative and false advertising, including some of the most-cited cases in these fields. And because adversaries know of Richard’s experience and reputation, he often is able to resolve contentious matters quickly and favorably, without extensive litigation.
Richard has deep experience using consumer surveys to establish evidence relating to advertising messages, likelihood of confusion, and secondary meaning – and has successfully challenged the validity of surveys used by other parties in litigation. He also has considerable experience negotiating and drafting high-tech license agreements.
In federal and state trial and appellate courts across the country, and in the USPTO’s Trademark Trial and Appeal Board, Richard represents clients across a wide range of industries including entertainment, luxury goods, consumer goods, financial services, pharmaceuticals, jewelry, cosmetics, apparel, and toys. He also serves as a mediator in trademark infringement cases.
Richard is a Lecturer in Law at Columbia Law School, where he teaches a seminar on trademark and copyright litigation, and he speaks widely on these subjects before professional organizations. IKEA, Lacoste, Tiffany and Company, the Gallup Organization, and Jack Wolfskin are among his many clients.